1- Assistant professor of theology and religions , a_mirzaei@sbu.ac.ir
2- Assistant professor
Abstract: (1762 Views)
Women in Qajar era are considered a social group that is further away from modern medicine, and accordingly foreign male physicians. They had a negative attitude towards foreign male doctors at a time, but gradually their tendency to modern medicine and foreign male physicians increased. The question of the present paper is: What factors have contributed to this tendency of women toward modern medicine and away from traditional medicine? Various factors appear to be of particular importance to the role of the court and the position of religious scholars. This article, carried out based on historical documents of the same period, has investigated this issue in order to explain the factors and consequences of not referring women to foreign male physicians, the role of court and religious scholars and the positive tendency of women to foreign male physicians and modern medicine.
Article Type:
Original Research |
History Published: 2022/09/22