Volume 11, Issue 2 (2020)                   JHS 2020, 11(2): 55-86 | Back to browse issues page

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Dehghani R, Razazi R, Arabkhani R, Mohammadkhani F. Influence of Fars local periodical literatures on political - social Consciousness of Fars women in transition period from Qajar to Pahlavi (1911-1931). JHS 2020; 11 (2) :55-86
URL: http://jhs.modares.ac.ir/article-25-34037-en.html
1- Associate professor of history department at University of Tabriz and Agent to serve in Faculty of World Studies, University of Tehran , rdehghani@ut.ac.ir
2- Graduated from University of Mashhad Ferdowsi
3- Assistant Professor of the Department of History of Payam Noor University, Zanjan unit
4- Graduated from University of Tabriz
Abstract:   (4797 Views)

surveying the content of Fars local periodical literatures at the late of Qajar and the beginning of Pahlavi shows that women had an effective role in the political and social activities like as the anti-authoritarian and constitutionalist movement and they had could raise their level of political and social awareness. Women in the form of communities and associations and using the magazines which were the most prevailing device at that time, tried to implement the changes in full for the society. Such efforts resulted in political and social awareness of Fars women and the whispering of the issue of women's social rights. Fars province women, through numerous articles of magazines, and for the first time acquainted with the women rights such as the right to education, the right to trade, etc. and gradually they sought to earn the aforementioned rights in the realm of action. The article is concerned on the extension of press and its influence on the process of political-social awareness and women's identity formation to assert their basic rights. The findings of the study show that the Fars press at this era was essentially self-disciplinary with the continuous pursuit of social and political rights for women and greatly assisted women to identify their rights and being socialized. The research method, since the main sources of research in the press, is based on textual analysis, which can be considered as a deeper level of descriptive-analytical method that ultimately leads to appropriate explanations.
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Article Type: Original Research | Subject: History
Published: 2020/03/12

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