Volume 12, Issue 1 (2020)                   JHS 2020, 12(1): 144-180 | Back to browse issues page

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Razavi A, Muslimyar S. Loya Jirga Status & Functions in Afghanistan’s Modern Historiography. JHS 2020; 12 (1) :144-180
URL: http://jhs.modares.ac.ir/article-25-33099-en.html
1- , Abolfazlrazavi@khu.ac.ir
2- Student of PHD History of Islam at Mazaheb Islami university
Abstract:   (4381 Views)
The Loya Jirga has been known as one of the most and influential National Grand Assembly in contemporary Afghanistan since two centuries. This grand assembly has a firm affiliation with Afghanistan constitution. From the eight sections of the constitution legislation, seven of which are passed by the Loya Jirga. And, from the six clauses of the constitution, a full clause is about the Loya Jirga. This is despite the fact that this institution has been criticized by some of the Afghan experts and commentators who has privatively regarded it.  In this paper, the matter is discussed with a descriptive-analytical approach to explain the historical reflection of the status and achievements of the Loy Jirga in the socio-political structure of contemporary Afghanistan. The concept, content, and descent discussion is followed by privative and positive attitudes of the triple currents Historical historiography of Afghanistan (nationalist, leftist, and Islamist) the method has continued as such.  The research highlights that the impact of contemporary historiography on the political conditions and vitality of the Loya Jirga in legitimizing the political power and despite the critique of the ethnic origins affecting their functional nature, it has led the mentioned triple movements to consider it of significant importance.
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Article Type: Qualitative Research | Subject: History
Published: 2020/09/15

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