1- Assistant professor of Politic Science, Tarbiat Modares University , j.dara@modares.ac.ir
2- Ph.D student in Political Science, Tarbiat Modarres University
Abstract: (3587 Views)
The Safavid state created a kind of government in Iran with elements such as a separate territory and a Shi'ite religion originated from the Sufi way and persisted over the centuries. From the Safavid period to Qajar, the Iranian state had atributies that were Expresses traditional political institutions and traditions. This procedure continued until the new era and the end of Qajar rule. The research hypothesis is that the Safavid government conformed to the model of the Soltani order. The Qajar dynasty also possessed the traditional and authoritarian character of the Safavid dynasty. Because it coincided with the era of Western military and economic domination of the world, the construction of a state in Iran was also influenced by its civilization, and political institutions evolved. In this regard, the present research deals with the characteristics of the political construction of the state in the triennial period. Also, the social and class characteristics that led to the formation of specific models of government in Iran are reviewed.
Article Type:
مقالات علمی پژوهشی |
History Published: 2022/03/1