Volume 10, Issue 1 (2018)                   JHS 2018, 10(1): 37-54 | Back to browse issues page

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The Impact of the Mongols Governance Policies on the Social and Political situations of Guilds in Iran. JHS 2018; 10 (1) :37-54
URL: http://jhs.modares.ac.ir/article-25-27124-en.html
Abstract:   (10466 Views)
Throughout history of Iran, tradespeople were so noteworthy to government which had tribal structure and dominated society of Iran, due to their social and economic functions. The situation of marketeer, and especially the tradespeople’s guild improved with the invasion of Mongol to Iran far more than before. Mongol who lived in steppes, from the beginning of their attacks on Iran have honored the tradesman’s productions. Many people of this productive class were saved from dying by Mongols during their slaughter. In this study writers are going to answer the question that what were the effect of Mongols and Ilkhans’ policies on social and political status of guilds in Iran. The results of this study indicates that marginalizing the institution of Hussebeh by non-Muslim Mongols until Ghazan Khan period and supporting the tradesman by Mongols, while attacking on Iran and also preventing them from becoming killed, is rooted in economic and military Mongols’ needs that these were Mongols and Ilkhans’ policies towards tradesman. From the social feature these policies led to formation of associations by tradesman and their close relations with other groups including Fetyan and from political aspect, those caused the presence of guilds in political events both during the Ilkhan and interregnum periods. This study aims to analyse the historical data on the impact of Mongols and Ilkhanian’s policies on the social and political status of guilds in Iran through an analytical descriptive approach.
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Subject: History
Published: 2018/11/12

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