Volume 11, Issue 1 (2019)                   JHS 2019, 11(1): 91-104 | Back to browse issues page

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Hessari M, Akbari H. New research on the use of human figures Problems of interpretation data. JHS 2019; 11 (1) :91-104
URL: http://jhs.modares.ac.ir/article-25-19684-en.html
1- , mhessari@yahoo.de
Abstract:   (11089 Views)
In the Archaeological excavations have recovered dates a fully conscious with classified data was used specially aims deformation one of these cases are symbolic statues. Statues, the great cultural leap that occurred in New Paleolithic represents a complex process of social The victim as well as the data symbol or a legend or goddess of fertility goddesses and religious icons and some have called almost every toy figurines and decorative Statue of nudity are common Female And a big emphasis on the chest and abdomen, and above all, an emphasis on pregnancy and childbirth are usually chopped sage statue are discarded and a handful of mud either stone Female Statues and tails that are not broken
This research will try using archaeological and anthropological evidence, to explain the use of these statuettes and we believe that these statuettes around the world with different cultures should be treated the meaning and application of the text and archeology and mythology, and anthropology to study the origin without doubt a very important role in the regulation of these statuettes were played that day and different interpretations of the statuettes, perhaps because the using has not found These data identify the problem in a fundamental lack of understanding of all the cognitive issues remains of material culture items that have not shown as well as all data should not be interpreted as a generalized form, because using have different ideas Finally ,along with examples Ethno-Archaeology sample of the prehistoric to present day can be seen
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Article Type: Original Manuscript | Subject: History
Published: 2019/10/5

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