Volume 3, Issue 1 (2011)                   JHS 2011, 3(1): 109-152 | Back to browse issues page

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Hazeri A, Irannejad A, Mehraeen M. The Islamic Reformist Discourse in the Post- Revolution Iran. JHS 2011; 3 (1) :109-152
URL: http://jhs.modares.ac.ir/article-25-8489-en.html
1- Assistant Professor Sociology Tarbiat Modares University
2- Master of Sociology
3- Assistant Professor of Sociology
Abstract:   (10981 Views)
The present study is an attempt to describe the Islamic reformist discourse in the post-Islamic Revolution: The Main Characters who are the producers of this discourse and were selected for this study in clnde: Seyyed Mohammad Khatami, Seyyed Mohammad Mousavi Bojnordi and Seyyed Mohammad Mousavi Khomeini. The main questions of the present study are: 1- Who are the producers of this discourse 2- Why do they speak? 3- What do they speak about? 4- How do they speak? 5- Who are the addressees? and 6-What action do they propose? The methodology adopted for this research is qualitative discourse analysis. Sampling is the kind of judgments concerning the main producers and speeches, besides the other people. In each of the following research questions, we referred to the works of thinkers emphasizing on these important issues; discussion of civil society, constitution, religious government. Discourse of Islamic reformism provides us with some insight regarding the nature of "religious discourse" in the today Iran: the discourses mentioned, despite their differences in method, are preoccupied with a single issue in their approach to the religion and modern world. Evaluation of the methods used by the argued discourses shows, in spite of some differences with other discourses, they enjoy a common viewpoint in referring to religious texts and in using "traditional approach".
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Published: 2011/11/19

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