1- Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran
2- MA, Department of Cultural Studies, University of Science and Culture, Tehran, Iran
Abstract: (11783 Views)
By reviewing the current methodological topics in cultural studies, yet some kinds of theory/method dualisms are distinguishable. Going beyond these dualisms, requires emphasizing the importance of qualitative researches in cultural studies. In this article, we try to discuss the problem, which is focused on the dualistic contentions in the methodology of sociology and cultural studies. Next, with respect to the politics of theory and politics of method in cultural studies, we try to introduce an analytical approach, which helps us out to move beyond these dualistic quarrels. This analytical approach is well-known as “conjunctural analysis”. In this article, after detailed presenting this approach, and its conceptual origins that developed by Machiavelli, Marx, Lenin, Gramsci and Althusser, we argue how this approach can be applied in cultural studies. This argument reminds us that there is an intensive relationship between decentering method/theory dualism and possibilities of a cultural study as interventionist and contextual knowledge that is sensitive to history.
Article Type:
Research Paper |
Published: 2015/04/21