1- Assistant Professor of Sociology, Research Center of Imam Khomeini and Enghlab Islami, Tehran, Iran
2- Master of Sociology, Tarbiat Modares, University Tehran, Iran
Abstract: (12327 Views)
The quality of relation between religiosity and electoral behavior as the research main question derives observation of the paradoxical result of some researches about the relation of these two variables. For deeper understanding of the relation between these two variables, the scale of religiosity, and electoral behavior in two levels of voting attitude and voting participation were analyzed.
According to the review of the theoretical and experimental literature, two hypotheses were proposed as fallows: increasing in the scale of the religiosity leads to higher voting participation and voting to Osulgarayan, and decreasing in the scale of religiosity leads to lower voting participation and voting to Eslahtalaban.
The research method was survey with questionair and three observational questions. The statistical population of the current research was Tarbait Modares University students. Through nonprobability sampling, 376 students were purposefully selected as sample size. Some descriptive statistics and analytical techniques were used (mean, frequency distribution cross tables, T test, linear and logistic regression).
According to the findings, the scale of religiosity has a significant effect on electoral behavior (voting attitude and voting participation), such that increasing in the scale of religiosity leads to voting toosulgarayan and increasing in the voting participation, while decreasing in the scale of religiosity leads to voting to Eslahtalaban and decreasing in the voting participation.
Published: 2011/04/20