1- Assistant Professor Department of Sociology, Ayatollah Boroujerdi University, Khorramabad, Iran
2- Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Tarbiat Modarres University, Tehran, Iran
3- Associate Professor, Department of Social Sciences of Tehran University, Tehran, Iran
Abstract: (9974 Views)
In this article it is tried the political culture of Iranian society in a qualitative range of authoritarianism to democratic, to be analyzed. Theoretical perspectives on the political culture of Iran have been formed, Analyzes different and sometimes conflicting with each other are provided; A set of views, political culture of Iran has introduced with characteristics and features of undemocratic and authoritarian. And another group, democratic indexes attributed to it;including the indexes emphasis on high-amount political participation in the different election periods. In this study, using a quantitative survey based on fuzzy data, the political culture of the city of Urmia and Khorramabad, that have the lowest and highest rates electoral participation, is analyzed. Using empirical evidence, will be measured theories and views of Iranian political culture. For this purpose amount membership of citizens in the two sets political culture together were measured:self-expression values against survival values and rational values against traditional values, determines the patterns of their political culture. Research results shows that the pattern of political culture Urmia and Khorramabad somewhat similar to each other. Contrary to previous thought, in none of the two cities, there is no single homogeneous political culture. Thus political values of the masses, that is a set of democratic and authoritarian tendencies ambivalent. And more importantly, the political culture of citizens is not consistent with their electoral participation rate. Thus the argument that the high electoral participation would represent a standard for promotion of political culture and Its democratic that is not consistent with reality.
Article Type:
Original Manuscript |
Published: 2015/03/21