1- Assistant professor of Sociology, Islamic Azad University of North Tehran , Iran
2- M. A. in Sociology, Islamic Azad University of North Tehran , Iran
Abstract: (10721 Views)
In this article, formation of the first modern state in Iran has been studied within the framework of sociological analysis of agency and structure. Each structure is formed of joint actions,which will be the basis for future actions. Each action, on the other hand, also happens within a structure that can cause its contiouity or discontiniouity. In this article,the aforesaid dialectical effects have been reviewed in a way that social structures on the eve of the conflicts of modernity process in the Constitutional history of Iran will be the reason of social tensions and they eventually turn in to authoritarian political structure to overcome the crises by social forces. The theory construction of this study has been formed by the using of the theory state of "Bertrand Badie" and "Pierre Birnbaum", and the research hypothesis has been extracted based on the relationship between social crises and essence of state. Data collection has been done by documentary method, and data analysis by historical method. The results showed that social crises accumulation in Iran and attitude of social forces towards centralism to overcome the crises of society have paved the way for a weak society and a maximal state in Iran.
Published: 2014/02/20