Volume 7, Issue 3 (2016)                   JHS 2016, 7(3): 277-300 | Back to browse issues page

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Masodnia H, Ebrahimi A. The Analysis of the Origin Oil Nationalization Movement According To Theory of Relative Deprivation. JHS 2016; 7 (3) :277-300
URL: http://jhs.modares.ac.ir/article-25-7005-en.html
1- Aassistant Professor, Department of Political Science at the University of Isfahan, Iran
2- M.A. Department of Political sciences, University of Isfahan, Iran
Abstract:   (5431 Views)
One of the most important events Since World War II is Nationalization of the oil industry due to the presence of people in politics and the crisis that is led to the severance of diplomatic relations between Iran and Britain.  So the oil nationalization movement in Iran can be considered the beginning of a new chapter based on the demands of the people seeking independence and authoritarianism. Various writers has examined and investigated the Oil Nationalization from different prospective and formation reasons as well.   This Paper seeks to add a new angle to the movement of the oil industry-backed measures based on relative deprivation theory, the official answer to this question which admits Iran's insistence on holding the oil nationalization movement review and analyzed the factors involved in the divergence. In terms of writing ahead, between mental Elements seeking independence and authoritarianism political culture iran, Deprivation resulting from the expectations and abilities of citizens and government to achieve progress  The research in this paper is a descriptive and analytical methods and Data for Library Studies and Documents, including books, scholarly articles, and the Internet has been made. The research shows that independence groups have caused the Iran according to Geopolitical and geostrategic position, to provide and promote Insisted on its right to nationalize the oil industry.
Full-Text [PDF 169 kb]   (2982 Downloads)    
Article Type: Original Manuscript |
Published: 2016/01/21

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