Volume 5, Issue 1 (2013)                   JHS 2013, 5(1): 175-202 | Back to browse issues page

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Changes in Tehran’s Urban Texture in Qajar Era The Changes in the Way Houses are Situated Relative to the Urban Pathwayes. JHS 2013; 5 (1) :175-202
URL: http://jhs.modares.ac.ir/article-25-652-en.html
Abstract:   (16419 Views)
What most differentiates Qajar era from other eras in the Iranian’s history may be the appearance of new urbanism and new pathways that became a component of the texture of the city and made Tehran more and more Europeanized. What is of great importance here is the textural transformation of Tehran and other Structural and Spatial changes that occur along with or followed by this transformation. One of the most important changes is the transformation in the physical characteristics of the residential buildings and their association with urban streets. To identify this system of transformation, one should recognize the characteristics of Tehran's urban texture, especially housing structures-from beginning of Qajar, up to its end- and scrutinizing variations. This encompasses the main core of the present paper which mainly resulted from field studies that are descriptively and comparatively presented here. Therefore, Qajar era could be considered as the origin of essential alteration in urbanism, space construction, and house building. The era in which the old texture of the city and the traditional assemble of houses dissolves and new texture resides. Although all these changes took place in one historical era, but considerable variations can be seen due to domestic characteristics of every district.  
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Article Type: Research Paper |
Published: 2013/08/28

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