Volume 2, Issue 4 (2011)                   JHS 2011, 2(4): 127-143 | Back to browse issues page

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Neyestani J, Taghavi A. Finding the Location of Military Garrisons of Tabaristan in the Early Islamic Period Based on Documentary Sources. JHS 2011; 2 (4) :127-143
URL: http://jhs.modares.ac.ir/article-25-6477-en.html
1- Assistant professor, department of Archaeology, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran.
2- Ph. D. Student in Islamic Archaeology, Department of Archaeology, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran.
Abstract:   (12394 Views)
By the establishment of local semi-independent governments in the southern shores of the Caspian Sea, Iranian north provinces were cover of conflicts between the local governors with Omayyad and Abbasids Caliphates. Supplying political security in Tabaristan and creating suitable conditions for economic development led to formation of multiple garrisons in the vast geography of the region. These buildings, by the historical and geographical sources, have been nominated as Maslah-i-, Sakhlou and Zeynistan. The Garrisons in Abbasids period. Were built by Abol-Abbas-i- Tousi. The geographical coverage of these garisons included in Plain, jungles and Mountainous areas. Starting from Tammish-i- city in the east of Tabaristan to the Chalous city in the west. The quantity of garrisons has differed between 31, 45 to 50 numbers. In this research, we recognized 31 garrisons. Also we tried determine the distribution of garrisons according to historical and geographical sources.
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Published: 2011/04/20

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