1- Assistant Professor, of Sociology, at the University of Tarbiat Modares, Tehran, Iran
2- Master of Sociology, University Tarbiat Modares, Tehran, Iran.
Abstract: (20987 Views)
Cultural attraction is one of the most important factors in tourist attraction nowadays. The present study is to investigate the role of advertisement on cultural tourist attraction to Iran. Our claim in this study is that the advertisement industry in Iran has not been able to play an effective role in attracting cultural tourists. The main question of this study is that: what is the effect of Iran advertisements on cultural tourist attraction? The method of investigation was survey and the scale for gathering data was questionaire. The sample population compriseed 300 cultural tourists who entered the city of Isfahan. The data analyses were conducted both descriptively and analytically. The founding indicated that the most important tools for advertisement are: marketing (21/3), internet (19/7), books and articles (15/3). The correlation between advertiament variable and cultural tourist attraction was 0/47. Also there was no significant difference between males and females attitudes about advertisement.
Published: 2011/04/20