Volume 2, Issue 3 (2010)                   JHS 2010, 2(3): 113-133 | Back to browse issues page

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Kasraie M S. Revolution: Conceptual Developments of a term. JHS 2010; 2 (3) :113-133
URL: http://jhs.modares.ac.ir/article-25-5816-en.html
1. Assistant Professor of Sociology, Institute of Imam Khomeini and Islamic Revolution, Tehran, Iran
Abstract:   (12272 Views)
In this work, the conceptual evolution of the term of "revolution"is discussed as a narrative history and historical method. Revolution is a complicated and, multidimensional concept and has a long history in literature, philosophy and other sciences such as astronomy (Yoder, 1926: 433). The aim of this paper is historical – conceptual searching about the term "revolution" that was started with this supposition that, it refers to social, political and economic transformation. In other words, the term of "revolution" in pre-modern literature has a retrogressive meaning, or referring back to the starting point. It has found its way philosophy, literature and the humanities into from astronomy
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Published: 2011/03/5

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