Professor of History ,
Abstract: (2175 Views)
The rise and fall of various human civilizations has been one of the events that has attracted the attention of many thinkers in the field of history, civilization and sociology. Islamic civilization, which in centuries of history, had a dazzling scientific brilliance; But in the course of his life he experienced a scientific decline, engaging the minds of thinkers and researchers with the question of how and why the cause of its decline. The question that arises is whether any theory or theories have been proposed in the study of the decline of Islamic civilization, apart from the causes and factors that have been argued? The purpose of this article is to present and categorize the theories of degeneration of Islamic civilization through various causes and factors that have been proposed in this regard. The research findings have shown that from the perspectives on why Islamic civilization is declining, theories can be constructed that either look at intra-civilizational factors or look at extra-civilizational factors.
Article Type:
Original Research |
History Published: 2022/09/22