Volume 7, Issue 1 (2015)                   JHS 2015, 7(1): 121-157 | Back to browse issues page

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Mohammadzadeh A. Sociological Analysis of Taqizadeh's Thought and Political action (Regarding to Constitutionalism Era). JHS 2015; 7 (1) :121-157
URL: http://jhs.modares.ac.ir/article-25-4414-en.html
Assistant Professor of Political Sciences ,Islamic Azad University, Shahrood, Iran
Abstract:   (10695 Views)
This paper intends to identify Seyyed Hassan Taqizadeh's thought and its social and mental bases, and analyze his political action as an Intellectual and political actor in the era of constitutionalism according to the historical sociology approach with regard to the sociology of knowledge. Mannheim's sociology of knowledge focuses on some traits such as social position, dependence of thought to social background, and historicality of thought, and to some extend pays attention to person subjective. These are competent elements, which were used for recognizing Taqizadeh's thought and the process of becoming an active political actor. Besides, this paper uses the concept of action in its details to understand the type of Taqizadeh's action and its relation to his social and intellectual bases. According to these facts, the paper tries to answer how and to some extend why such relation exists between Taqizadeh's thought and his political action. It concludes that Taqizadeh's family position, social rank, social environment, and experiential and humanity sciences, especially evolutionism, as well as his former knowledge of Islam are the main bases of his modernity. With regard to these foundations, it should not be wondered that Taqizadeh's thought and political action are mixture of Islam, liberalism and socialism.
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Article Type: Original Manuscript |
Published: 2015/04/21

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