1- A.M. in Sociology at AllamehTabataba’i University, Tehran, Iran
2- Assistant Professor in Department of Sociology at AllamehTabatabai University, Tehran, Iran
Abstract: (10458 Views)
“Military Service” was first established in the frame of kingdom armies and independent governments separated from the Church.In the beginning of modernity era, it could be a go- between for the government and the nation, and also a means to extend the then rulers’ and kings’ militarism. The social division of labour, technical progress and industrialization in the 18th century caused to the formation of modern armies as the first bureaucratic institution. But in Iran's Pahlavi time, phenomenon was built as part of the modernization and consolidating Reza-khan's autocratic state. Extetion of national identity’s elements and making obedient the traditional residents in Iran's society against the unlimited autocracy of the state were possible by public teachings and extendable normalizing in the army,especially in the “Military Service”. “Military Service” and also the public disarmament gave this opportunity to the Pahlavi state to nationits basic rule byexpanding the military authority. Making integrated military and compulsory military service are the first intended and targeted attempts to create modern system’s civilians based on the nation - state theory.
Published: 2014/02/20