Abstract: (10126 Views)
Iran revelution is a cultural and thinking event. we try here reply this question that what it is usese and capacities of discourses analysis relation to others approach (hermenutics and idieologic analysis) in study about iran revelution? here, at ferst we explain the problem then comprise discourses analysis with others approach (hermenutics and idieologic analysis) in study about think of Iran revelution 1n 1357. then, we present outcom and output . we perefer use of of discourses analysis relation to hermenutics approach because discourses analysis cover better power- knoledge and power-truth. so,discourses analysis go away from comprehention. this text believse that discourses analysis comprison with idieologic analysis can explain culthral and thinking dimension of Iran revelution. discourses analysis openes diffrence and new perspectives to this revelution. for example, in study about unpolitical thinkers and thinking elite, diversity and plural in revelution. or in study about think of Iran revelituion from ontologial historical view.
Article Type:
Case Report |
Published: 2016/03/20