Volume 12, Issue 2 (2021)                   JHS 2021, 12(2): 311-340 | Back to browse issues page

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shahidani S, Asadian Feli S, Savagheb J. women’s education from the view point of the magazine Jamiyateh Nesvaneh Vatankhaheh Iran (1923- 1926). JHS 2021; 12 (2) :311-340
URL: http://jhs.modares.ac.ir/article-25-39576-en.html
1- lurestan.un , shahidani.sh@lu.ac.ir
2- lorestan.un
Abstract:   (2645 Views)
In the process of the constitutional movement, some intellectual women demanded their individual, family and social rights, and in order to advance these "goals", they published women's newspapers with the focus on improving the status of women. With the coming to power of Reza Shah, the realization of the concepts of patriotism, antiquity and progress to build a new Iran was considered by the government. In this regard, the issue of women and their education as future mothers, upbringing and the type of mother-child relationship, the need for a progressive Iran with emphasis on the family was covered by the media. Iran Patriotic Women's Magazine is one of the publications that was published with the approach of the necessity of educating girls and their role in the implementation of new policies. The question of the present study is how did this newspaper relate the education of women to the concerns of intellectuals and the demands of the government such as patriotism, archeology and progress?
The research hypothesis is that this magazine, considering the first categories of education and then education, in order to promote the awareness of girls and avoid ignorance and superstition in the direction of the macro policies that were proposed on the eve of the Pahlavi government, by recommending various types of education for girls.
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Article Type: Original Research | Subject: History
Published: 2021/02/22

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