Volume 12, Issue 2 (2021)                   JHS 2021, 12(2): 243-278 | Back to browse issues page

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Zareie A, Farzin S, Kamali rad Z, jouveyreh A. Urban revitalization development in Isfahan under Sultan Hussain rule in Safavid dynasty and the impacts of endowment tradition on it. JHS 2021; 12 (2) :243-278
URL: http://jhs.modares.ac.ir/article-25-39319-en.html
1- Faculty member of University of Birjand. Department of Archeology , azareie@birjand.ac.ir
2- Department of Archaeology, University of Birjand
3- Faculty member of Isfahan University of ArtsofəvTranslations of ofPrepositionFrequencyازof, from, in, byاز لحاظofاز طرفon behalf of, of, forزofدر بارهabout, on, concerning, of, toward, reدر جهتof, withبوسیلهby, with, via, of, perاز مبداofاز منشاofدر سویofDefinitions of ofPreposition1expressing the relationship between a part and a whole.the days of the week2expressing the relationship between a scale or measure and a value.a height of 10 feet3indicating an association between two entities, typically one of belonging.the son of a friend6 more definitionsExamples of ofthe worst of it29 more examples
4- Graduated from Birjand University with a master's degree in archeology
Abstract:   (3081 Views)
Isfahan is one of the most prominent cities in Iran's central plateau for centuries and during the rule of Al-Buyih, Seljuqyan and Safavid, Iran was the capital and center of Iran. Isfahan's special position in the Center of Iran and its connection with other parts of the interior and exits and the flow of the Zayandeh-e Rood River as the most important natural disorder made it possible for Isfahan, Stay up to date with the most ancient days of human habitation and the attention of different governments. The appropriate environmental and natural, historical, communicational, military, commercial and economical substrates have been the factors of the evolution and dynamics of the city of Isfahan from the past. King Abbas tried to compete with the Ottoman government in a military, economic, religious and especially architecture and urban environment in the development of Isfahan and bestowed it. Growth and development of Isfahan city at the time continued the successors of Shah Abbas-Kabir until Shah Sultan Hussein's time. Considering that most scholars and writers of Shah Sultan Hussein have been considered as the main cause of the collapse of the Safavid dynasty. Consequently, in connection with the architecture and urbanization of Isfahan, his covenant has not been studied comprehensively. The purpose of the present paper is "The study of the development of urban life of Isfahan during the era of Shah Sultan Hussein Safavi and the effects of the endowment tradition on it." In this way, we try to answer these questions; what has progressed in urban planning and architecture during Shah Sultan Hussein Safavid? How did the devotees influence urban construction during the era of Shah Sultan Hussein Safavi? As a result of this study, which was carried out using library and field method, which was the era of Shah Sultan Hussein in the field of architecture and urban development of the dynamic era, and during this period, the city of Isfahan, as the era of King Shah Abbas grew and even the iconic buildings such as the Chaharbagh School were created that equal the best examples of the King Shah Abbas age.
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Article Type: Original Research | Subject: History
Published: 2021/02/24

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