Volume 10, Issue 1 (2018)                   JHS 2018, 10(1): 123-147 | Back to browse issues page

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Continuity of the nomadic lifestyle in the Bakhtiari Region from Prehistory to the modern era: based on the archaeological evidence from Miankouh, Ardal County, Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari provinc. JHS 2018; 10 (1) :123-147
URL: http://jhs.modares.ac.ir/article-25-27128-en.html
Abstract:   (10360 Views)
The Miankouh district in the southwest of the Ardal County is one of the most mountainous areas in Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari province. During three season of archaeological surveys conducted from 2008 to 2011 six hundred sites, spanning from Middle Paleolithic to the Ghajar period have recorded Parts of the Miankouh region, including Haft-Cheshmeh and Gareh mountains with elevation of more than 3500 m, have cool winter and moderate summer, while other parts with elevation between 1100 to 1800 m altitude have hot summer and cool winter. Therefore, the region has been suitable for forming and developing human occupations by pastoral subsistence from ancient to modern time.Today, the slopes of Gareh and Haft-Cheshmeh mountains with elevation higher than 3000m are being used by Bakhtiari nomads, a pattern that may has been well existed in the past as archaeological data suggest. Most recorded sites particularly those of the Neolithic period (9 sites) are located in large and small valleys and sloped grounds, a pattern that prevail today among nomadic campsites as well.. Their shared factor is their location which is close to modern nomadic encampments (in local dialect: Vaargah). All ancient sites in the survey area demonstrate short-lived settlement, in most cases representing a single-period occupation, but in few examples have been resettled for a short period in latter times. Location of such sites on foot of slopes and lacking raised parts indicate their nature as a short-lived nomadic sites
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Subject: Archaeology
Published: 2018/11/12

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