Volume 6, Issue 1 (2014)                   JHS 2014, 6(1): 1-43 | Back to browse issues page

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saei A, Mahdavi J. The process of democratization in Afghanistan (2008-1907 AD). JHS 2014; 6 (1) :1-43
URL: http://jhs.modares.ac.ir/article-25-1562-en.html
1- Assistant professor
2- Ph.D. student in Political Sociology, TarbiatModares University, Tehran, Iran
Abstract:   (10745 Views)
  Abstract The subject of this paper is analysis of the process of democratization in Afghanistan within the time period of 1907-2008 AD. The article claims that over the past one hundred years (1907-2008 AD), the Afghans in four historical periods of  "Constitutionalist Movement" (1907-1928 AD) , "The Democracy Period" (1946-1953AD) , "The Decade of Constitution" (1963-1973 AD) and " The Interim Government , The Transitional Government, and The  Islamic Republic" ( 2001-2008 AD), have made efforts towards the democratization of their society’s political and social relations. However, "democracy" has not been established in Afghanistan yet. To prove this claim, the question of “Why democratization process in Afghanistan has not led to democracy?” has been presented. Later, after a critical argument about democratic theory, the causal provisions of “socio-economic development", "civil society", "a model of democratic political elite" and "the role of international or external factors" have been proposed to explain the problem of the historical period. Historical comparative and historical narrative agreement methods have been used in this research. The experimental findings imply that in case of socio-economic development, establishment of civil society and democratic relations between political elites and positive role of external and international agents in Afghanistan, democratization will be established in this country.      
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Article Type: Research Paper |
Published: 2014/05/15

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