Pourjafar M R, Rezaeifar F, Taghvaea A A. Defensible Spaces as a Social Capital in Reducing Urban Crimes and Promotion of Environmental Security (With Respect to I. T. C. ). JHS 2010; 2 (3) :65-92
1- Associate Professor, Faculty of Art and Architecture, University of Tarbiat Modares, Tehran, Iran.
2- M.A. Student in Urban and Regional Planning, Faculty of Art and Architecture, University of Tarbiat Modares, Tehran, Iran.
Abstract: (20227 Views)
Security is a one of the most important factors of urban environments. Therefore, the necessity of security in urban spaces has caused the emersion of authentic theories like defensible spaces and crime prevention through environment design (CPTED) . In this paper, various literatures related to defensible space theories have been reviewed and the related keywords have been defined. Then the role of defensible urban spaces as a social capital in reduction of urban crimes is determined. Finally, the condition of defensible spaces in ITC with an emphasis on Isfahan city has been studied.
The research methodology is based on the analysis of data and documents collected through field survey.
The research results justify the precedence of defensible spaces – in design and planning- at shaping the Iranian historical cities. Secure and defensible spaces, which support social capital concept under public surveillance and collective responsibility, work as an important aspect in reducing crimes and stability of urban security.
Published: 2011/03/5