1- Assistant Professor of History, University of Tarbiat Modares, Tehran,Iran
2- Assistant Professor of History, University of the Persian Gulf, Bushehr, Iran
Abstract: (10671 Views)
Set in the realm of politics and religion in the Safavid period’s approaches, The Sadat have a significant presence in this era. This presence can be followed in specific and non-specific postions.in this context, Kalantar in the Safavid research was included as non-specific postions. Studies show that the presence of Sadat in this post ion is more comprehensive than in other non-specific jobs. This phenomenon has been observed even when inheritance was considered. This study is an attempt to provide statistical analysis and causal explanations to check the significant presence of Sadat in Kalantar position, so, extraction of the names of all Kalantar Sadat has been taken into account. The results show that Kalantar position with intermediate overlay (government-people) had a direct relationship with Siadat that contained social status and state function. So both Safavids and the then society in the equal opportunity used to choose Sadat for this job. This study further reveals in this phenomenon, inheritance is considerd.
Published: 2015/06/17