Abstract: (10515 Views)
In this article social documentaries of post Islamic revolution of Iran about of children and teenagers social pathologies analyzed with sociological view. The purpose of this article is to understand: social documentaries that produced by directors and Issues raised in the documentaries indicate to society pathologies and are equal films problems with society problems. To investigate the relationship between social changes and cinema we need to conceptual framework in cinema sociology means indicates to relationship between produced films and Characteristics of community. Theoretical framework is Reflection Approach in Sociology of the Art.The method in this article is Outward-oriented criticism. Article results show that there was interaction between condition of society and different objects in social documentaries of post Islamic revolution of Iran. In fact base on Reflection theory with study of social documentaries of post Islamic revolution can be realized the largest social pathologies in each period and social documentaries offer a view of community.
Article Type:
Research Paper |
Published: 2013/08/28