Volume 4, Issue 1 (2012)                   JHS 2012, 4(1): 95-129 | Back to browse issues page

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Ebrahimi G, Moslemi R. Sociological Study of the Way of Spending Leisure Time:15-65 Year-Old Habitants of Juybar Township. JHS 2012; 4 (1) :95-129
URL: http://jhs.modares.ac.ir/article-25-10442-en.html
1- Assistant Professor of Sociology, University of Mazandaran, ,Iran
2- M.A. in Sociology University of Mazandaran, Babolsar,Iran
Abstract:   (11019 Views)
Leisure includes all activities people do after work, family and social obligations. These activities may be done in order to have a rest or hobby, or in order to expand non-profitable training or voluntary social participation. Since leisure time is a modern concept emerged after industrial revolution, this article attempts to study the difference between modern and traditional leisure: In todays modern time, what kind of leisure do people have? Which kind of leisure (modern or traditional) do people have more of? Which kind of social factors (income, gender, marital status, education rate, socio-economic status, residency and age) influence leisure time? Sample size (510 cases) of this survey was determined through Cochran’s formula out of 49967 statistical populations.The samples were selected through stratified multi-step cluster sampling method. The results showed that modern leisure is lower than traditional leisure. All the mentioned social factors, except income, influence leisure time activities.    
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Published: 2012/10/17

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