Volume 5, Issue 1 (2013)                   JHS 2013, 5(1): 31-72 | Back to browse issues page

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Jamily F, nadi Z. The Typology of Sociological Ambivalence in Foreign Itineries Of Ghajar career. JHS 2013; 5 (1) :31-72
URL: http://jhs.modares.ac.ir/article-25-7351-en.html
1- Assistant Professor, Department of Social Sciences, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran
Abstract:   (10640 Views)
  Nowadays, ambivalenceinclude differentelemdnts  of  human’s life and its spreading has been a social issue. For discovering the origin of for ementionedissue , it is necessary to investigate its historical background. As ghajar  are has been exposed to many challenges of traditional and modern values , it can be producer of  all types of ambivalences;therefore this issue has been  investigated from the point of view of  English travel writers who have had association with people and specilly with ghajarcouqp at that time. the population (statistical society) of this research includes  all of the itineries written by Englishmen  who have  traveled to Iran in Ghajar career. That from among them  34 itineraries have been selected as sample (through purposeful sampling) investigating of all types of sociological ambivalence and psychological ambivalence has been done through Robert merton, typological approach in sociological ambivalence  theory , also these typs have been investigated and classified by using historical  investigation techniques and content analysis . The results show that: from among 6 kinds of sociological  and psychological ambivalence, all kinds except 3 type have been refered to in mentioned intineration in ghajar; are highest amount of sociological ambivalence is dedicated to type 5 (alteraction  between cultural structure and social structure ) that has been manifested in “aberrant behavior” (psychological ambivalence) in the next level, the 6  type of sociological  ambivalence (different collections of  cultural values) has been mostly dedicated to imitation of court from western lifestyle . The mentioned ambivalences have been mostly observed among “Iranian base and in “cultural –political field “ and in “naseredin shah” and then  “fathali shah” ghajarera. Regarding content analysis of itineraries ,the final analysis of  shows the effect of specific feature of social – cultural structure of ghajar are on the spreading of ambivalence.    
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Published: 2013/08/23

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