Volume 13, Issue 1 (2021)                   JHS 2021, 13(1): 195-218 | Back to browse issues page

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Shojaeezand A, Farhangi M. Tabacco movement and the emergence of “people” in the field of politics. JHS 2021; 13 (1) :195-218
URL: http://jhs.modares.ac.ir/article-25-48152-en.html
1- Associate professor of sociology at Tarbiat Modares university , shojaeez@modares.ac.ir
2- Tarbiat Modares university
Abstract:   (2528 Views)
The purpose of this study is to investigate the emergence of new phenomena in the field of politics and power relations in Iran. Analyzing the history of political developments in contemporary Iran, based on Ernesto Laclau's account of "politics" and "people-based politics" and through the method of discourse analysis, we came to the conclusion that despite the multiplicity of movements, riots and resistance In the cities and villages against the local rulers and the central power, it is in the "tobacco movement" that we are confronted with a new kind of political action that calls for the demands and demands of the "people".

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Article Type: Qualitative Research | Subject: History
Published: 2021/09/17

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