Volume 4, Issue 1 (2012)                   JHS 2012, 4(1): 171-194 | Back to browse issues page

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Saroukhani B, Tavakoli Vala J, Rostamzadeh A. Numerical Taxonomy and Its Application in Social Research. JHS 2012; 4 (1) :171-194
URL: http://jhs.modares.ac.ir/article-25-377-en.html
1- Professor of Sociology at the University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
2- Ph. D. student of Sociology Islamic Azad University Central, Tehran, Iran
3- M. A. Faculty Member, Department of Learning English Islamic Azad University of, Tehran South, Iran
Abstract:   (16969 Views)
  The most important concerns of every government in order to achieve social justice and development are to get rid of the social problems caused by poverty, illiteracy and unemployment,and to fulfill the economic, social and cultural needs of people to establish security and social justice. Therefore, it is forced to adapt appropriate policies for the allocation of resources and facilities available to different economic, educational, therapeutic and recreational sectors. To implement this issue, determining priority and the advantage of different sectors is the first step to be taken in order to allocate optimum sources and facilities. Obviously,with out social classification, planning for development would not be possible. One way to achieve the development of scientific classification is taxonomy. The main concern of this paper is to show the implementation of taxonomy method and advantages of this method for ranking different sectors, and, moreover, to explain how to determine the priority of each sector. This study is descriptive and the methodology used in ofthe document using secondary sources.        
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Published: 2012/10/17

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