Volume 2, Issue 3 (2010)                   JHS 2010, 2(3): 93-112 | Back to browse issues page

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Bagheri M, Solimannejad M. Sociological Study of Identity Status among Adolescences. JHS 2010; 2 (3) :93-112
URL: http://jhs.modares.ac.ir/article-25-3588-en.html
1- Assistant Professor of Sociology, Shahid Chamran University, Ahvaz, Iran
2- Academic Member of Islamic Azad University, Ilam, Iran
Abstract:   (14046 Views)
The present study was designed to examine the identity status of high school adolescents in the city of Ilam (Iran) using the survey method. 215 high school students were selected as a sample through random sampling method. The theoretical framework of this paper is based on Giddens' theory. To analyze the obtained data, T-test, Pearson coefficiency and multiple regression methods were used. The results indicated that educational level has a positive and significance relationship with individual identity, while socio- economic status only has a significance relation with ethnic identity. Among the other identities, it has just more coefficiency with individual identities rather than collective identities. The results of multiple regression method showed that the group and individual identities have more effect on the social identity among the high school dolescents.
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Published: 2011/03/5

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