Property right play basic role in the analysis of Douglass North’s new institutional about economic growth and decline of societies in different historical periods. In the concept of the property right, the issue of monopoly is important, Therefore there is costs for the possessor. In North’s view, guaranteed property rights that supported by the government and its interests are more than its costs, cause to economic growth. In the Safavid era the costs of property rights due to issues such as tax, seizures, etc., has often been more than assets profits. In other hand the safavid government placed the ownership of productive resources at the disposal of the elites ring and especially the king, and tried to control the trade. There were many forms of land tenure in the Safavid period that all of them had a common feature: land belonged to the king. Therefore the Safavid government has been a major obstacle against development and evolution of property right. Whenever with same type of inefficient property rights, government caused security, economic situation was improving. This article after giving theoretical frame, intends to review assessment of property right in Safavid era with due attention to costs of property right and role of government via descriptive –analytic method based on library information.